34th Annual Christmas Tree Galleria is a resounding success

  • Community



CASPIAN – “Humbling.” That is the word Kathlene Long, Museum Director says best describes the experience and success of this year’s Christmas Tree Galleria at the Iron County Museum. “The way our community showed up for us was nothing short of spectacular. “From the record setting 55 baskets that were donated for the raffle to the 50 plus trees that were decorated by the community to the army of volunteers who showed up before, during and now after the sixteen-day event, I am truly humbled”, Long continued.

This, the 34th annual event, took place from Nov. 25 through Dec. 10. Beginning with a very well attended Craft Fair on Small Business Saturday, the opening event set a record-breaking pace. “Looking back over the past five years, we had more people stop in to visit and more tickets sold then pre-Covid!” Long explained. “Like lots of other businesses, big and small, getting back to pre-Covid numbers is a bit of a benchmark. We hit that mark and then some. We owe it all to our sponsors, donors and volunteers and to every single person who bought raffle tickets, shopped in the gift shop, renewed memberships or simply donated money.” This year’s two-week event included a Family Night, visits from PreK and elementary students, the December Business After Hour, Cribbage Tournament, Santa Lucia Celebration, Volunteer Appreciation and more. For sixteen days, the public was welcome to come view all the beautifully decorated trees, enjoy coffee, cocoa or tea along with home-made sweets baked by local volunteers. Long went on to clarify, “Of course we do all this hoping folks will buy raffle tickets and boy did they!”

The Volunteer Recognition Ceremony has become a tradition on the final day of the Galleria. “Each year we recognize local volunteers who have made noteworthy contributions to the community. This year, we recognized the men and women who volunteer at the five fire departments of Iron County.” Explains Program Committee Chair and Board Member, Jocelyn Javoroski. “When KL first suggested this, I was thrilled. Of course, I know firsthand how hard these folks work and how dedicated they are to community and to each other. They literally make our neighborhoods safer places to be.” Javoroski continues “Let’s give a HUGE shoutout to these five departments, each of the volunteers and the people who support them: West Iron County Fire Department, Crystal Falls Fire Department, Caspian-Gaastra Fire Department, Amasa-Hematite Fire Department and Alpha-Mastodon Fire Department.” Each department was recognized, given a special certificate of appreciation and a center piece to place in their fire hall for the holidays. “It is a very, very small token compared to the huge impact these departments, these individuals, make in our communities.”

Denise Maloney, Board President expressed her gratitude for all the community does for the museum. “Our community has steadfastly supported this little gem of a museum through bumpy roads these past few years. Through growth and change, this museum continues to support our mission, our community and most importantly, our local families, while honoring the people and events of our past that collectively make up our history....Our story.

For more info visit IronCountyMuseum.org, the museum’s Facebook page, email kl@IronCountyMuseum.org or call 906-265-2617.