75th Annual Spencer Reunion

  • Community



NELMA, Wis. – The descendants of Alvin and Achsah Jane Spencer will celebrate their 75th Annual Family Reunion on July 15 and 16, at the Buchanan Memorial Recreation Area just west of Nelma, Wisconsin. All members of the Spencer family are welcome to attend.
Saturday’s festivities will kick off at 11:30 a.m. with a pot luck dinner and silent auction. Other activities will include a Spencer memorabilia table, backwoods bocce ball, family tree building, a cribbage tournament and other surprises.
A family brunch will be held on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Brunch will be followed by a guided driving tour to historic Spencer family sites including the old Elvoy School House, the shingle mill and the grave sites of Alvin and Achsah Jane.
Alvin and Achsah Jane Spencer moved from Kentucky to northern Wisconsin with their 15 children in 1907. Alvin worked as a farmer, logger and preacher. He was one of the original community supervisors for the Forrest County town that would later bear his name, Alvin, Wisconsin. More impressively, Achsah Jane cooked, cleaned and raised 15 children in the primitive conditions of 1900’s northern Wisconsin.
The first Spencer Reunion was held in 1947. The Spencer family has gathered together every year since then on the third Saturday of July. The only exception was in 2020 when the event was canceled due to the COVID pandemic.
Spencers from across the USA will be attending the 75th Spencer Reunion, with confirmations from cousins from California, Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee, Arizona and of course, Wisconsin. International Spencers will be coming from Canada and hopefully, Austria.
More information about the 75th Spencer Reunion is available at spencerreunion.weebly.com.