Harbour House holding fundraisers

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CRYSTAL FALLS - The Harbour House Museum is holding a variety of fundraisers to defer the costs of some much needed repairs. Over the course of the winter, board members and volunteers scraped wallpaper, removed and refinished trim, installed new light fixtures and painted the majority of the second floor interior.

Now with summer here, the board is looking to work on some much needed exterior repairs. They are starting with the roof. Timber Ridge Construction of Marquette, has agreed to take on the job and construction starts on June 20. Because the cost is more than the museum generally brings in, they have started a variety of fundraising campaigns.

The first endeavor is etched brick sales. The donor can choose from two colors and three sizes of brick, with or without artwork, which will be placed around the grounds and be visible for years to come. The second campaign is a fall flower bulb sale. The donor purchases flower bulbs for fall planting and the Harbour House receives half of every sale. Next up is a rummage sale. On July 8, the Harbour House will be hosting a rummage sale at their museum, they are currently accepting donations. The fourth fundraising event will be a street dance featuring Big Band/Swing music on August 12 in the city parking lot behind the Crystal Theatre, they are currently looking for vendors. Lastly, they also do gravestone cleaning all summer long. Prices for gravestone cleaning vary depending on size, condition, distance, etc.

For more information on any of these fundraisers you can visit the Harbour House website at crystalfallsmuseum-harbourhouse.org/, Facebook page, or just stop in and talk with someone. Summer hours for the Harbour House are Thursday 4 p.m. - 7 p.m., Friday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.