Harbour House Museum 1st Rhubarb Festival

  • 1s Rhubarb Festival

    1s Rhubarb Festival

    1s Rhubarb Festival

CRYSTAL FALLS -  The Harbour House Museum held their 1st Annual Rhubarb Festival June 29. The vendors presented Rhubarb items  including treats, jams, lemonade and more. Along with crochet items, breads, wire trees, fishing lures and ceramics to name a few. 

The event included 20 vendors on 4th street. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hotdogs, pop, water, chips and some rhubarb treats were available, they went fast!

Plans are to hold the event  again next year in June, adding more to it, perhaps a Rhubarb bake sale in the Harbour House and more.