Police week in America is May 14 - 20

  • Community



IRON RIVER - Here are five simple ways you and your family or colleagues could make a huge impact this week for a Law Enforcement Officer 
1. Ask your children or grandchildren to draw pictures and write notes to Law Enforcement "Thank you for ...", tuck them in an envelope and mail them to your local Police Station. Children's notes are one of their absolute favorite. You can mail them to: 106 W Genesee St, Iron River 49935 
2. Speak up on behalf of Law Enforcement at a public meeting, forum etc. 
3. Call into a local Radio Station: "I want to publicly thank our Officers and their families for all they do; I want to encourage my fellow community members to do the same." 
4. Email the Local Sheriff or Police Chief a note of gratitude; ask him/her to forward it around to the office. 
5. Take a huge piece of paper or a big card and ask people at your church or office to write a note of thanks on it and then drop it off to the local station. 
I for one am very grateful and appreciative to our men and women in Blue.