Stambaugh Elementary sixth annual father daughter dance

  • Stambaugh Elementary sixth annual father daughter dance

    Stambaugh Elementary sixth annual father daughter dance

    Stambaugh Elementary sixth annual father daughter dance

IRON RIVER - This year Stambaugh Elementary PTO put on quite a party. Boots & Beauty’s was the theme of the sixth annual Father Daughter Dance.
    There was a total of 251 attendees and countless hours of planning and decorating done by members of the PTO and friends. Huge thanks to everyone who showed up and showed out.
PTO President, Rebecca Oberlund, would also like to add, “We look forward to this event every year and want to say thank you to all those who made it happen. We are grateful for you who brought your special beauties.”
The money raised will be used to support our wonderful teachers throughout the year. Our West Iron Parent Teacher Organization exists to support teachers in their classrooms and treat them throughout the year. We love and appreciate all our teachers who dedicate their lives to educating our children. Cheers till next year.