906 Adventure Club gets grant money

  • 906 Adventure Club gets grant money

    906 Adventure Club gets grant money

    906 Adventure Club gets grant money

The Dickinson Area Community Foundation recently awarded a $ 2,201 grant to the 906 Adventure Team. The grant money will be used to assist with the purchase of supplies and equipment needed to expand the Adventure Bike Club into Iron River for the 2022 season and beyond. Al Anderson, board member of DACF and its affiliate the Crystal Falls Area Community Foundation, is shown presenting the grant check to Tara Gluski and Benjamin Garcia of the 906 Adventure Team.  Included in the picture are Fable and Jezreel Garcia, participants in the Bike Club.  The mission of the Community Foundation is to improve the quality of life for the residents of our communities, if you would like information on available grant funding, Contact Tamara Juul at 906-774-3131 or visit  www.dickinsonareacommunityfoundation.org. (submitted photo)