CF Friends Silent Auction winner announced

  • Community



CRYSTAL FALLS — The Friends of the Crystal Falls District Community Library held their annual meeting on June 25 announcing the winner of the silent auction. 
The Friends hosted the silent auction for the rights to have a character named in the board treasurer, James M. Jackson’s newest Seamus McCree novel Granite Oath, which will be released the end of August 2022. 
Bidding continued at the library throughout the month of June and ended at the start of the annual meeting at 10 a.m. Jackson was very pleased to announce the winner as Gabriel Belanger, who won the naming rights and presented The Friends with his generous contribution. Belanger named his mother as his winning character.
Belanger is a Junior at Forest Park High School, works part time at CoVantage Credit Union and comes to the library twice a week to support their programs. 
“I don’t read a lot,” Belanger said, “but my mother really loves to read, so I asked her how she’d like her name to be used for a character in a book.” 
His mother, Kim, says she was unaware of a popular local author living just up the road and is looking forward to catching up on the series. When asked how she felt about being named as a character she said, “It’s sort of weird, but also very cool.” 
No one, including Kim, has any idea what the fate of her character will be in Jackson’s novel. Everyone who has read the previous books will be waiting impatiently to find out. All six of the Seamus McCree novels and two novellas are available at the Crystal Falls Community Library. For more information about the silent auction and other Friends events, check out the website at