Crystal Falls Library announces bingo winners

  • Fleurette Saari and Peggy Padilla pose with their prize for being the winners of the Crystal Falls Library Bingo Challenge. (submitted photo)

    Fleurette Saari and Peggy Padilla pose with their prize for being the winners of the Crystal Falls Library Bingo Challenge. (submitted photo)

    Fleurette Saari and Peggy Padilla pose with their prize for being the winners of the Crystal Falls Library Bingo Challenge. (submitted photo)

Fleurette Saari and Peggy Padilla pose with their prize for being the winners of the Crystal Falls Library Bingo Challenge. (submitted photo)

CRYSTAL FALLS — Fleurette Saari and Peggy Padilla are the two winners for the Crystal Falls District Community Library’s Winter Reading Bingo Challenge.  
    Interested patrons picked up a bingo card in January that had different types of books listed on each square such as:  book by an Upper Peninsula Author, book with Winter in the title, book by an author you have never read, first book in a series, etc.  
    Once a patron had a bingo, they were eligible for the drawing to win a t-shirt.  If they had completed their bingo card, they got two entries in the drawing.  
    Every patron who participated received a Crystal Falls District Community Library notecard set for participating.  Together, these two ladies read 37 books this winter; Fleurette even completed her bingo card.  
    The year-long reading challenge continues, and every patron who reads 50 books (and catalogues their reading on our form) will receive a Crystal Falls District Community Library coffee mug. 
    The library is located at 237 Superior Avenue in Crystal Falls, and is open Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.