Crystal Theatre rounding up new volunteers

  • Community



CRYSTAL FALLS – Crystal Theatre extends an invitation to an open house and Volunteer Round-up Saturday, Sept. 24 from 1- 3 p.m.  
    The door to Stage Left will be open to anyone who would like a tour of the entire theatre, including the recently renovated artist lounge and dressing rooms in the undercroft.
“We greatly appreciated the extra volunteers who assisted with the full-house audience for the Crystal Gayle concert last month,” says managing director Kristin Underhill. 
“The board of directors fill many of the volunteer positions needed for hosting a show,” says Underhill, “but more hands on deck are welcome.  Whether you would like to learn how to make popcorn and work concessions, greet patrons, take tickets, hand out playbills, or sweep up afterwards, there are many ways to help.  Of course, a perk of volunteering for a particular show is free admission to the event.”
Underhill adds, “Even if you can’t volunteer at this time, stop in for the open house and get a peek from the wings and below the stage - a view that only performers see!”