FBC teaches, How to Adult

  • Community



The First Baptist Church (FBC) offered sessions from community experts classes on Monday evenings in July. They included Life hacks for financial thriving, kitchen skills at Contrast Coffee Ccommercial kitchen, job interview skills and navigating social media and smart phones.
Iron County is full of amazing kids who are smart and fun and ready to learn. Meeting their needs and coming along side parents are two things always at the forefront of my mind. It’s our hope that this adulting series met both of those criteria and will help our kids thrive as they move into adulthood. 
Iron River really came together to make this happen and I think we all had a lot of fun in the process. Thank you to retired teacher Jon Munn, Contrast Coffee and their baking crew, and KC Atanasoff and the Krist and KSK teams. We look forward to doing another series and welcome feedback as we prepare for that.