Food distribution truck to arrive in Iron River

  • Community

IRON RIVER - A food distribution will be held in the Grace Covenant Church parking lot, 316 Jasper St. on Wednesday, May 8 starting at 1 p.m. This is in partnership with Feeding America West Michigan. 

This will be a drive-thru distribution on a first-come-first-serve basis and is an equal opportunity event.  The distribution in March served over 400 households with 44 volunteers. Please have your trunks and or backseats cleared out ahead of time as that helps the volunteers. 

The distributions for the coming year will be is as follows: July 10, Sept. 11 and Nov. 13.

To volunteer, show up at noon for orientation and setup., but please know we cannot set aside nor guarantee food for volunteers. 
For more information email or call 906-265-9951.