ICMCF Foundation Board asks for help

  • community



CRYSTAL FALLS — The Iron County Medical Care Facility Foundation Board is ramping up efforts to help provide financial support for the facility.
The ICMCF reports that is has suffered “significant negative financial impact” due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The Foundation Board is asking you to help them support our neighbors, our former teachers, our friends, our elders,” said Lindsey Anderson of the ICMCF. “Please consider a donation to the Foundation Board. Perhaps by using part of the stimulus monies citizens will be receiving soon to support a worthy cause.”
Anderson said funds raised will be used by the Rehabilitation Department, which will be opening to the public again in the very near future.  All funds are tax deductible; the Foundation in Support of the Iron County Medical Care Facility has a public nonprofit tax status.  
“Ringing in the new year is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on what is important to us and band together as a community,” Anderson stated. “It’s a new chance to look at our neighbors and reach out. Lend a hand, make someone smile, shovel someone’s driveway, expand our hearts and allow that Yooper generosity to keep us warm through the winter. For many of us, our neighbors are living in the Iron County Medical Care Facility. A facility that through COVID-19 has had its challenges but strives to come out of 2020 more resilient and stronger than before.
“The Iron County Medical Care Facility Foundation Board is still very active as well, especially during this time when COVID-19 has impacted their ability to do traditional fundraising.”
Make checks payable to Iron County Medical Care Facility (ICMCF) Foundation and mail to:1523 US Hwy 2, Crystal Falls, MI 49920 or call the facility at 875-6671 with any questions.