A Night of Wine, Whiskey and Whimsy

  • Pictured are, front row, from left; Alicia Lesandrini, Chris Davis and Summer Olson. Back row, from left; Joyce Ziegler, Kathy Carlson, Kari Devine and Allyson VanOss.

    Pictured are, front row, from left; Alicia Lesandrini, Chris Davis and Summer Olson. Back row, from left; Joyce Ziegler, Kathy Carlson, Kari Devine and Allyson VanOss.

    Pictured are, front row, from left; Alicia Lesandrini, Chris Davis and Summer Olson. Back row, from left; Joyce Ziegler, Kathy Carlson, Kari Devine and Allyson VanOss.

Pictured are, front row, from left; Alicia Lesandrini, Chris Davis and Summer Olson. Back row, from left; Joyce Ziegler, Kathy Carlson, Kari Devine and Allyson VanOss.

CRYSTAL FALLS - Crystal Falls Contemporary Center hosted its annual fundraiser: A Night of Wine, Whiskey and Whimsy on Oct. 14. The event was designed to raise funds for art related education and creation for all members of the local and visiting communities. Over 150 guests were in attendance, and multiple businesses donated money, time and resources which allowed us to reach above and beyond our fundraising goal. Thank you to all who attended and/or supported this event.  (Photos by Kevin Zini)