Nocerini elected Grand Bethel Junior Princess

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CRYSTAL FALLS/GRAND RAPIDS — On Saturday, July 10, Beth Nocerini of Bethel #39 was elected to serve as Job’s Daughters International Grand Bethel Junior Princess for the upcoming year, after traveling to Grand Rapids for Michigan’s annual Grand Session.
JDI has chapters called “bethels.” The Grand Bethel of Michigan is formed with representatives from each bethel from around the state. The members are selected to be in the Grand Bethel by the Grand Guardian.
Bethel #39 Crystal Falls has had many girls serve in the Grand Bethel over the years, but this is the first time in Bethel #39 history a daughter has been elected by the other members of the organization to be one of the leaders.
Nocerini will serve for the next 3 years in the Grand Bethel, as Junior Princess, Senior Princess and then Honored Queen.
Founded in 1920, Job’s Daughters International is a leadership organization for girls between the ages of 10 and 20; with members in the United States, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, and Brazil.
The organization’s mission is to teach young women the values of leadership, public speaking, charity, respect for parents and elders, and teamwork. Members participate in a variety of activities such as bimonthly meetings, fundraisers, service projects, leadership workshops, theme parties and sleepovers.
“Job’s Daughters can qualify for various scholarships that are offered on a state and national level,” said Stephanie Nocerini, Beth’s mother. “They also gain valuable leadership experience, serve as part of a team, and learn democratic principles as they run their own meetings, decide their own activities, and plan their own events. In Job’s Daughters you make new friends that last a lifetime.”
For more information, contact Stephanie Nocerini at 906-367-0847.