Camp Batawagama 2021 season cancelled

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IRON COUNTY — The 2021 summer programing at Camp Batawagama has been cancelled because of uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 virus and its variants.
    Manager Brian Schulze announced the decision on Feb. 10.
    “It is heartbreaking to think of Batawagama being closed for Seniors Days, for Band Camp, and for Youth Camp for a second summer,” Schulze began. “The concern for the health and safety of our campers, our staff, and our community is center to this decision.”
    Schultz said it would be very difficult to restructure the camp program and conform to the many directives set forth by the CDC, the American Camping Association, the State of Michigan Camp Licensing Department, and state and local health departments.  
“We came to the conclusion that we would not be able to operate a safe and successful camp program this summer and maintain the Batawagama experience that we all know. We are very hopeful that the conditions created by the coronavirus will be solved and we will resume the long-standing traditions at Camp Batawagama next summer in 2022.”    
Schulze said there are plans for “significant” projects for 2021 that will greatly enhance the existing camp facilities.  
Camp Batawagama will begin accepting requests for Band Camp and Youth Camp registration forms on Jan. 1, 2022. Those interested are asked to email their request to and continue to check this website for future updates. “Stay safe and we will look forward to seeing you in 2022.”