DIDHD offers tentative vaccine timeline info

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KINGSFORD/IRON RIVER — Many are wondering when a COVID-19 vaccine will be available to them. COVID-19 vaccine has been distributed to many provider organizations across Michigan and continues to be distributed and received as supply allows.  
The Dickinson-Iron District Health Department encourages all citizens 16 years and older to get vaccinated against COVID-19. In consideration of limited supply, COVID-19 vaccine distribution must follow strict guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) in order to ensure those with the most critical need receive vaccination first.
To get a better picture regarding when you may be able to receive COVID-19 vaccination, see the roll out phases and estimated starting times for each phase for the COVID vaccination process in the Upper Peninsula listed below.
When reviewing the following information, it is important to be aware that:
• These time frames of availability are strictly estimates and are entirely dependent upon vaccine supply and distribution to your local vaccine providers.  As such, time frames of availability are subject to change.
• Those individuals included in each phase may change based on additional information and guidance from national and state experts.
• Public service announcements will be widely distributed prior to the start of each phase.
• There is no need to make a reservation in advance to receive the vaccine unless you are directed to do so by your provider or the health department.
• Vaccination allocation within Michigan varies in quantity by region, and within regions, based upon metrics determined by MDHHS.  As such, the quantity of vaccine available within the Upper Peninsula may vary among local health department jurisdiction.  As a result, it is possible for one area to be slightly ahead of another in moving through the vaccination phases within their region.
December and January
Already started, given by hospital and health department personnel
Phase 1A Priority One: Keep critical health care infrastructure open and functioning (i.e., hospitals, critical care units, and emergency medical response systems). December and January: given by CVS and Walgreens and health department personnel
Phase 1A Priority Two: Prevent outbreaks and protect residents in long-term care facilities (nursing homes).
Done by multiple vaccination providers from this point forward
Phase 1A Priority Three: health care infrastructure not included in Phase 1A Priority One -- clinics, dentists, pharmacies, etc.
Mid to end of January
Phase 1B -- Frontline essential workers and those age 75 and older. Frontline essential workers are those that interact with the public and whose jobs cannot be performed at home. Examples are: firefighters, police; education (teachers, support staff, daycare); corrections workers; grocery store workers; public transit workers; food and agriculture; manufacturing; U.S. Postal service workers
Phase 1C -- age 65-74; those 16-64 with medical problems which increase their risk of severe illness from COVID; other essential workers (non-frontline essential workers).
 Adults of any age with the following conditions that are at increased risk of severe illness, hospitalization, admission to the ICU, intubation or mechanical ventilation, or death from the virus that causes COVID-19:
• Cancer
• Chronic kidney disease
• COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
• Heart conditions
•Immunocompromised states
• Obesity
• Pregnancy
• Sickle cell disease
• Smoking
• Type 2 diabetes mellitus
End of March/early April
Phase 2 is a mass vaccination campaign for all those over the age of 16 not previous immunized.