IC sees 3x more Covid cases than last year

  • IC sees 3x more Covid cases than last year

    IC sees 3x more Covid cases than last year

    IC sees 3x more Covid cases than last year

IRON RIVER/KINGSFORD — The Dickinson-Iron District Health Department continues to see an increase in daily positive Covid-19 cases. 

“When we compare where we were in the month of August last year versus this year, we are facing a very concerning trend,” said Ruth Manier BSN RN, Director of Community Health Services. “Dickinson County cases are 7.5 times higher in 2021 compared to last year at the same time. Iron County cases are three times higher. 

“Now that schools are back in session, we have already surpassed the number of cases reported last month and we are only halfway through September. We know that more than 95% of the cases reported to us are unvaccinated individuals. We also know that local healthcare systems are starting to feel the effects of the surge.” 

As was the situation in previous surges, the DIDHD has reached it capacity to respond to every positive case in a timely fashion. Contact tracing continues to be an integral part of Covid-19 mitigation and DIDHD has sought assistance to complete case investigations.

Individuals with Covid-19 positive results may be contacted one of three ways: directly by a DIDHD nurse, through text message/email sent by Patient Education Genius, or by a contact tracer working with Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. 

Participation in case investigation allows DIDHD to identify and address potential outbreaks early which helps to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in our community. All forms of case investigations are secure and confidential.

In the event that there is a delay in communication, Covid-19 positive individuals should remember to isolate for 10 days, either from symptom onset or the day the positive test was taken if asymptomatic. Identify and notify any close contacts that were made 48 hours prior to symptoms starting or the day of the test. Instruct close contacts to monitor their symptoms and quarantine for 10 days, if not vaccinated. Individuals notified that they are a close contact should quarantine and monitor for symptoms. 

The DIDHD noted that, “the best ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19 continue to be the same: Wash your hands, wear a mask, stay home when you are sick, get tested if you have symptoms, and get vaccinated.”

Vaccine appointments are available at DIDHD at 906-774-1868 or 906-265-9913.