DIDHD kicks off National Preparedness Month in September

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IRON RIVER / KINGSFORD - “Take control in 1, 2, 3. This theme empowers everyone, especially older adults, to 1) assess their needs, 2) make a plan and 3) engage their support network to stay safe when disaster strikes.” That’s the message emergency preparedness staff are sharing with people all over Michigan and beyond during the month of September. September is National Preparedness Month and the Dickinson-Iron District Health Department is urging everyone to plan ahead. “In an emergency, your safety and the safety of your family may depend on decisions made in a few seconds,” said Jessica Perry, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. “Be prepared - have a plan, have emergency supplies, remain calm, stay informed, and be ready to act.”
Whether you deal with the possible threats of flooding, wildfires, power outages or other disasters, the preparedness steps are the same. They include:
• Knowing your risk for where you live;
• Having an emergency plan in place;
• Practicing that plan;
• Putting together an emergency kit with water and non-perishable supplies to last for at least three days for you, your family, and your pets;
• Ensuring that your contact list is up-to-date for people you may need to reach out to during a disaster;
• Establishing alternative methods of communication in case traditional means are not available.
You are encouraged to participate in National Preparedness Month by doing a simple, specific action or activity to improve your preparedness and your family’s preparedness. Visit www.ready.gov or http://do1thing.com/ for more information on how to be prepared.
To learn more on how to prepare locally or schedule a preparedness presentation for your business, school, church, or group call Jessica Perry at the Dickinson-Iron District Health Department at 906-265-4156.