Governor announces Michigan reached vaccination milestone

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LANSING — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist announced on June 11 that 60% of Michiganders, age 16 and older, had received at least a first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.  
“As we cross the 60% milestone in vaccinations, we are seeing cases, deaths and hospitalizations continue to fall fast, which has helped to poise our economy for a strong recovery,” Whitmer said in a news release. “I know that we can give Michigan the economic jumpstart it needs with the billions in available federal funds and our multi-billion-dollar budget surplus. We will emerge from this once-in-a-century pandemic stronger than ever, and I am confident that we can make lasting, transformative investments in our schools, small businesses and communities to help them thrive.”
According to the release, Michigan has administered more shots per 100,000 than Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina and Georgia.
“I am pleased to see that so many Michiganders are continuing to make the choice to get vaccinated,” Gilchrist said. “Thank you to every person who has had a conversation with someone in their life to encourage them to get vaccinated, and the professionals and volunteers who have made vaccines available everywhere in our state. These safe, effective vaccines are our best shot to end this pandemic on our own terms. As more Michiganders make that choice, we come closer and closer to confidently growing our economy across the board and setting our path toward a stronger Michigan. As we reach these vaccine milestones, we’re able to hug our families, return to offices, enjoy a dinner out at our favorite restaurant, and safely spend time with friends.”