How to enjoy winter workouts when the weather is frightful

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UPPER PENINSULA – It’s not hard to lose your desire to exercise after winter weather sets in. It’s so much easier to stay inside where it’s warm than to bundle up and head outdoors for a cold walk in the park.
But you don’t want to interrupt your fitness routine just because the temperature has dropped and winter has frozen your surroundings, health experts advise. Always play it safe.
“When the chill of winter settles in, even a short walk from your front door to your driveway can become a dangerous journey,” said Caitlin Bukovich, Fitness Coordinator. “When surfaces are snowy, icy and slippery, you’re more likely to fall and get an injury.”
Falling can be serious for anyone, but it’s especially so for older adults who are less likely to recover from a fractured hip or other injury. You can still enjoy working out during chilly winter months and here are some healthy ideas:
- Dress for the part. Instead of pulling on one big heavy coat, dress in layers when exercising outdoors. Layers help trap the heat and provide insulation. Make your first layer a moisture-wicking fabric. Second layer: fleece. And top it all off with a thin waterproof layer.
- Mix up your activities. Go for a brisk walk on weekday mornings or afternoons. Take a nice hike on the weekends when you have more time to enjoy the winter landscape.
- Try activities specific to the season. It’s winter! Look at it as an opportunity to do things you can’t do in the summer; like:
• Sledding.
•Cross-country skiing.
• Snowshoeing.
•Building a snowman.
- Move your exercise indoors. You can join a gym if you want, but you don’t have to. Try these indoor activities:
• Crank up some music and dance around your home.
• If you live in a multilevel house, walk up and down the stairs.
• Buy a jump rope and some hand weights and work out while listening to a podcast or watching your favorite show.
 • Walk laps around a nearby mall. (You can window shop at the same time.)
• Go bowling.
• Roller or ice skate at your local rink.
• Play volleyball or basketball at your area community center.
Get your workout while working. Combine exercise with crossing chores off your list. For example, outside: Shovel your sidewalk or driveway. Inside: Vacuum your carpets or sweep your floors.
Keep an eye out for hypothermia. When exercising outdoors, watch your body for signs of hypothermia. Symptoms can include:
• Lack of coordination.
• Mental confusion.
• Slowed reactions.
• Slurred speech.
• Cold feet and hands.
• Shivering.
• Sleepiness.
If you notice any of these symptoms, go inside and get warm.
Aspirus Health Fitness Centers offer something for all ages and fitness levels, including flexible memberships, state-of-the-art equipment, fitness classes and American Council on Exercise Certified personal trainers. For more information visit