Veterans enjoy breakfast at West Iron

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By Kate Collins
IRON RIVER — The West Iron County Student Council honored veterans on Nov. 11 by preparing and serving breakfast to 54 service members who arrived at the high school prior to the scheduled program. 
Every veteran received a handwritten thank-you note, created by Councilmember Seanna Stine, for his or her service to the nation. According to WIC High School Principal Mike Berutti, the veterans breakfast has been a tradition at the school for 13 years.
“It’s a great way to honor people who’ve served,” said Student Council President Lillie Schmutzler. 
The veterans enjoyed lively conversation and a hearty breakfast before joining the student body in the gymnasium for the Veterans Day program. 
“I’d like to thank the students of WIC for thinking of us today,” said Gerald Williams, veteran of the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force and current County Veterans Service Officer.