FNB celebrates ‘Goodness Day’ with Aspirus IR

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Pictured, from left, are Glenn Dobson (Aspirus senior financial analyst), Ryan Meske (First National Bank & Trust Community Bank president), Nancy Ponozzo (Aspirus director of nursing) and Rae Kaare (Aspirus chief administrative officer). (submitted photo)

IRON RIVER — Spread Goodness Day, a global event held annually in March, and founded by Anna Dravland of Marquette, is intended to inspire a global day of goodness by encouraging individuals, businesses and organizations to take one action of goodness on this one day.
First National Bank & Trust has taken part since Spread Goodness Day’s 2018 inception. For this year’s event on March 12, First National Bank & Trust decided to spread goodness to the employees of Aspirus Iron River Hospital as a show of appreciation and support for the hard work of the employees and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ryan Meske, community bank president, presented the Aspirus team with a $1,000 donation to provide lunch for Aspirus staff and employees for the March 12 Spread Goodness Day event.
“Aspirus Iron River would like to thank First National Bank and Trust for this generous donation to show their appreciation to the employees,” said Rae Kaare, chief administrative officer.
“The community and businesses in Iron County have been very supportive to Aspirus Iron River during the pandemic. Having the support from the community gives hope to the staff and brings them joy knowing they are being thought of. Supporting each other during difficult times will get us through the challenges we are facing.”
To learn more about Spread Goodness Day, visit www.spreadgoodnessday.com