Help choose the CFDL logo

  • community



CRYSTAL FALLS — The Crystal Falls District Community Library is asking its patron community to vote for the library’s new logo design.
“The Crystal Falls District Community Library’s Board of Trustees thought it would be a great idea to have Forest Park secondary students come up with a new logo design for the library,” library director Evelyn Gathu said.
Gathu explained that Forest Park art teacher Desiree Nordstrand was willing to have her students help.  
“After some instruction on graphic design in her art classes, students came up with several different logos. The board planned to pick one, but the designs were so good and original, (board members) decided that the final say should come from the Crystal Falls community.
“Ms. Nordstrand got permission from the three top logo artists to have their designs shared with you anonymously. Now it is up to you to vote for your favorite.”  
Cast your vote in person at the library (Monday-Thursday) from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or email Gathu at  
Voting is open until Wednesday, April 7. The winning logo will then be announced in the Reporter after voting has closed.