Chasing the Aurora Borelis with Kevin Zini

  • Outdoors



On March 17, Cheryl Koons accompanied Kevin to Iron Lake so he could set up this photo with his headlamp on. By shining it around on the ice, it created the white ice light around him. Photographer Kevin Zini trekked onto Iron Lake to set up his cameras in hopes of catching the late-night spectacle of the Northern Lights. How does he know when to go? He has to phone apps that he references - Space Weather Live, which is a free ap, and Aurora Alerts that he subscribes to. He says both are fairly accurate but he likes Aurora Alerts. The apps tell how the Auroras are going to light up, show a map along with times and Kp readings – which is a number is a system from 0-9 measuring aurora strength. With two cameras in place, he managed to get a photo of himself. This was taken at around 10 p.m. Most of Kevin’s shots are exposed for about 30 seconds at ISO 100 – 1600 with the f-stop wide open at about 2.8.