Help monitor reptiles and amphibians in Michigan

  • Outdoors



LANSING — Now that warm temperatures are back, reptiles and amphibians are out and about — if you look around, you might be able to spot them. Perhaps you’ve heard spring peepers or wood frogs calling. Or maybe you’ve seen a garter snake slip through sprouting blades of grass.
If you see any frogs, toads, salamanders, snakes, lizards or turtles while out exploring natural areas, parks, trails or even your neighborhood, report your observations to the DNR.
Observations provide valuable data on trends, distribution and relative abundance for Michigan’s reptile and amphibian species and inform the conservation efforts outlined in Michigan’s Wildlife Action Plan.
“Reptiles and amphibians benefit from conservation work done by the DNR and partners, but we also need assistance from community scientists to track how their populations are doing,” said Amy Bleisch, DNR wildlife technician. “Your observations help provide that data.”
Keep an eye out for rare species like Blanding’s turtle, eastern box turtle, spotted turtle and wood turtle, as well as the threatened eastern massasauga rattlesnake. Submit your reports at
“It is especially important we get sighting reports of these rare species to help shape our conservation efforts here in Michigan,” said Bleisch.
Reports of other reptile and amphibian sightings also are appreciated and can be shared at The Michigan Herp Atlas is a community science program administered in partnership with Herpetological Resource and Management to collect observational data on Michigan’s herpetofauna, or “herps.”
In addition to reporting observations, you can support conservation efforts for rare reptiles and amphibians through the Nongame Fish and Wildlife Fund. Learn more about Michigan’s reptiles and amphibians and how you can help at
Questions? Contact the DNR Wildlife Division at 517-284-9453.