Relay for Life scheduled for June 11

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IRON RIVER — The snow is gone, the ice is off the lakes, grass is green and the days are warmer.
All of this means that the 25-mile Relay for Life bike ride is right around the corner. The event raises funds for research and programs for the American Cancer Society. Each year, over 5,000 events take place across 20 different countries. 
Participants in Iron County’s Relay for Life event will gather on Saturday, June 11 at 7:30 a.m. at the Iron River RV Park. The bike route will be lead and followed by caution trucks. A van will also be included for additional safety. 
“The organizers of this event invite you to put yourself into a ‘Can-Do’ mode as you think about someone in your family, a friend or acquaintance, who had to do just that after discovering they had to go on a cancer journey they were not prepared to do — no previous training,”
Participants earn funds through sponsorships or direct donations. 
“Ride in honor or in memory of someone who had to dig deep for courage and determination,” the release continued. “Join us to celebrate our health and our desire to hold on to hope for better treatment, more knowledge and future cures.”