“Every Child Every Month”

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By Nikki Mitchel
IRON RIVER — Exciting things are happening for students at Stambaugh Elementary School, as there is a new initiative called “Every Child Every Month,” which puts a brand-new book in each student’s hands each month.
According to the press release, data shows that children without access to books at home will read at a level one to two years behind their peers by the time they reach the sixth grade.
This monthly book box day will allow students to choose from a selection of books from which they may take home as children are more likely to develop reading skills if they choose their own books.
The program relies on sponsorship, and community members are welcome to sponsor a student, class, or school at a monthly or yearly basis. The cost to sponsor a student per month is $2 while the whole school is $792 per month. To sponsor a student for the full year is $24 and the cost to sponsor the school is $9,604.
At a recent council meeting, Megan Anderson explained that Iron River is a book desert and that this program would help mitigate the effects of poverty on achievement caused by the lack of access to books at homes.
The program, if fully funded would provide a book through scholastic every month to every child in k-5 classrooms. One hundred percent of funds raised will go to buying books for the students to take home. 
For more information, email everychild@westiron.org or visit www.tinyurl.com/ECEM22.