Iron Area Health Foundation hosts meet and greet

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By Jenny Roberts
IRON RIVER — “Stronger together” is the mission statement for the organization Iron Area Health Foundation (IAHF). 
    Various businesses, organizations, and individuals around Iron County came together Monday, Aug. 8 at the Young’s Recreational Complex for a meet and greet with the IAHF with the goal being to introduce the foundation and present their vision “to work collaboratively with existing agencies within the area and offer resources they have to support healthy living initiatives.” 
    Lyle Smithson Jr., Director of the IAHF headed up the meeting and stated, “We want to build a cohort among individual agencies and provide ourselves as sort of the hub of collaboration and contact. It’s important that agencies understand they are not alone in working towards their initiatives to make Iron County a healthier community.”
    Whether it’s building bike trails, offering a space for businesses to meet or an after-school art program, etc. the goal is to create an all-around healthier space for the residents of Iron County.
    The foundation’s desire isn’t just for the physical aspect of individuals, but also the mental, emotional and social health. 
    Along with providing support and connection with other like-minded businesses, the IAHF grants for agencies and groups of people that have healthy initiatives towards Iron County. 
    “We have two grant cycles, one in the spring and one in the fall,” Smithson said. “We are here to help you morally and financially. We have monies that are for healthy initiatives, and we want to put them to good use.”
    The meeting concluded with interested persons and businesses pledging to do their part in taking practical steps forward which included but not limited to making contact with other businesses with like-minded goals, working to get the word out about IAHF, work to provide nutrition education to residents of Iron County and the like. 
    Overall the foundation’s goals were met and there is progress moving forward with their desires to see Iron County become a more heathy place to live. The foundation will host their next meeting early this fall.