GLA partners with Aspirus to host CPR class

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IRON RIVER – Golden Lake Association partnered with Aspirus hospital to host a CPR class on Aug. 19. 
Participants started in the “classroom” where Brandon Maki, EMT/paramedic, Shirley Jesse, and Sadie Holm, RN were their instructors. The next portion of the class was hands-on and featured life-like manikins.  
These manikins have a realistic feel as well as feedback technology allowing trainees to know if they are doing effective chest compressions as well as rescue breaths. The manikins have devices in their chests to let trainees know if they are compressing the chest enough to do effective compressions. The head on the manikins will also tilt to make sure trainees have properly opened the airway to give effective rescue breaths. The chests also have lung bags to simulate real lungs so trainees can see the chest rise and fall as rescue breaths are administered.
Particpants also learned how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on both adults and children. 
There were 15 lake association members that participated. The class was held was held at a residence home on Golden Lake.