Engine No. 1 comes to school

  • A member of the Caspian-Gaastra Fire department gives a hands-on demonstration to one of Denise Maloney's pre-K students on how to handle and spray a fire hose.

    A member of the Caspian-Gaastra Fire department gives a hands-on demonstration to one of Denise Maloney's pre-K students on how to handle and spray a fire hose.

    A member of the Caspian-Gaastra Fire department gives a hands-on demonstration to one of Denise Maloney's pre-K students on how to handle and spray a fire hose.

To celebrate Fire Prevention Week, the Caspian-Gaastra Fire Department came to Bates on Oct. 11 to give hands-on demonstrations to Denise Maloney’s pre-K students complete with tours of the fire truck, handling and spraying of the fire hose and their very own firefighter hats. The students also enjoyed asking questions and learning what firefighters do in their everyday responsibilities.