CFDCL offers two reading challenges and prizes

  • Community



CRYSTAL FALLS – The Crystal Falls District Community Library will be offering two reading challenges. 
Challenge one is called the “Winter Reading Book Bingo.” Guests are encouraged to come to the CF Library and pick up a Winter Reading Book Bingo card.  Each space has a different type of book listed; examples include a book written by a female author, a book set in the U.P., a book that takes place during winter, and a book you started but never finished.  Once you get a Bingo (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal), you get an entry into our Grand Prize drawing for a Crystal Falls District Community Library Hooded Sweatshirt.  If you complete the whole card, you get a bonus entry—for a total of 13 chances to win the hoodie.  The contest runs from Jan. 1-March 20, which is the last official day of winter.
Challenge two is called “2023 Book Reading Challenge” and consists of reading 50 books during the year. Participants will record them on a special form provided by the library and turn it in by Dec. 31.  Everyone who completes the challenge will get a free Crystal Falls District Community Library book bag.  Come to the library to pick up the form today!  It has lots of suggestions of types of books to read, but suggestions are not a must. Simply read 50 books of your choosing, and the book bag is yours.