Readers Viewpoint 2-15-2023

  • Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

Dear Editor,
It’s no secret that the FP School system was struggling financially for many, many years. Programs cut or dropped. Improvements put on the back burner. Our students suffered with the lack of fiscal responsibility shown by the district. 
Fast forward to now where the school is only in a good place financially because of COVID dollars. New carpeting. New tile. Bathroom cleanups. Multiple “smart” boards. And multiple BUSES.
While I don’t want our students learning in a run-down building or being transported in unsafe buses, how many NEW (or new to you) buses can a district get before someone yells STOP and asks what is going on. 
-There are four daily routes. 
-There are usually sporting events
So PLEASE explain why we need 6 - yes 6 - new/new to you/ busses. Oh this bus has a headlight out - better go buy a new one.
In addition to the new fleet of buses the FP district seems to think the more admin positions there are, the better - the better for whom. Let’s break it down:
-Director of Student Services
-Guidance Counselor
-Instructional Director
We are a district of less than 500 students. What in the world does each of those positions do EVERY day. If someone can’t perform their job, let them go. Use true metrics to gauge performance instead of using the “You’re related to everyone so you keep your job” mentality.
I am so disappointed in how the COVID money is being spent. We keep hearing the district cry about learning loss and social/emotional behavior issues but they have NOT shown the community how they are going to cure those deficiencies. Truly fix them so we are producing valuable, well-rounded humans into the world. 
We as a community need to band together and go to their meetings. They won’t talk to you-in fact whenever anyone speaks, they look at you like you are keeping them from their gossip roundtable. But go. Get your voices heard and on the record. ENOUGH is ENOUGH. The board needs to remember the VOTERS are in charge. Not Them. They are our representatives. 
Board Meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month at 6 p.m. See you there.
Thank you,
-S- Mary Schutlz