Petroski to translate 100-year-old Finnish journals at Beechwood Hall

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BEECHWOOD – Betty Kangas Petroski will discuss her recent “Translation Revelations” at the Beechwood Historical Society on Friday, March 10, at 5:30 p.m.
While translating from 100-year-old journals written in the Finnish language, Petroski has discovered fascinating details from the founding of the original St. Paul’s Finnish Lutheran Church in Beechwood from 1893 to 1956.
She can also relate to details personally because of being surrounded by Finnish relatives in the Beechwood area during her growing-up years and then through her work as the executive secretary at the Consulate of Finland in Chicago, Illinois in the 1960s.
The Beechwood Historical Society is located at 178 Beechwood Store Road in Iron River, approximately 7.5 miles west of Iron River off U.S. 2.
Tickets will be available for $10 per person, with proceeds going toward the renovation of the present Bethany Church which will house all future translations and original documents from the old original Bethany Church (Swedish) and St. Paul’s Church (Finnish).  
Refreshments will be served at 5:30 p.m., with the program beginning at 6 p.m.  For more information or tickets, call 906-284-1501, or contact the Beechwood Historical Society at or through Facebook.