Iron River mayoral and council candidates

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IRON RIVER — The following bios were submitted by the candidates themselves. The election will be held Nov. 7, 2023. More information is available at The statements below are listed in alphabetical order
I have been a resident for 13 years and am self-employed (home repairs). I have three kids and three grandkids. I have been on council for six years. I volunteer on many local boards.
As I come to the end of my first council term and seek re-election, I take a moment to pause and reflect over the last 4 years. I received a crash course on how local politics work, as well as the functions of an operational city. As I seek a second term, I realize that necessary growth isn’t always as quick as one would like but through diligence and perseverance it is very attainable. It is my personal view that Iron River will continue to grow economically, and be enriched culturally in both traditional and new ways. I want to see our town come together with a sense of strong community and unity. I believe that being a power of change in a community is not done just as a seat on a council, but by being involved in the very fabric of the town you lead. It has been an honor and privilege to serve the city as Councilman, and I will continue to serve this city in whatever capacity possible.
As always, I welcome your support in this upcoming election. 
I am a candidate for the Iron River City Council because I see the waste the current council creates. One example is the over $30,000 spent to defend the City from a lawsuit because of the bad council decisions to award marijuana retail licenses.
I am a very concerned taxpayer, I paid over $40,000 in property taxes to the City. I will watch where the city spends the people’s money. I have vast experiences and connections to regional, state and federal agencies. My experiences will help by finding the funding and grants to help our City’s economy to expand. Bringing sustainable living wages is an attainable goal when Iron River works as a team, not just for the self-interests that are going on now.
I have lived in Iron River since 1991 and had two sons graduate from West Iron High School and two grandsons attending the school system. I have served on the Board of Review and the Parks and Recreation committee. I understand the importance of creating a tax base the city and school can grow off of. I understand the underfunded liability, discretionary funding and I will wisely manage the city’s budget.
I am a graduate of Northern Michigan University with an emphasis in Business Administration and Criminal Justice. My experience of managing multi-million dollar budgets in the corrections department is of great value. All departments will be scrutinized for waste. I have already found ways to cut the budget $50,000.
It is imperative that Iron River works as a TEAM for economic and solvency as a whole. It is my priority that the city is represented for all the people. I will fight to increase services for senior citizens, veterans and the disabled
My belief is transparency, accountability and inclusion will get more people involved with progression needed to grow our area.
The live televised of monthly and special meetings will enlighten everybody.
There will be no special interests and nepotism demonstrated in the present.
I do not need the monthly stipend, it will be donated to the Animal Shelter.
Thank you
My name is Ron (Ronjo) Leonoff. I am 67 years old. I have lived in the Iron River area all my life. I have been married for 45 years to my wife Patti. We have a son, Kevin, a daughter-in-law, Courtney, and two grandchildren, who bring much joy to my life.
My employment history has consisted of working at the former Loia Oil Company, Krist Oil Company and currently for the West Iron County Schools, where I have been a custodian and am currently a bus driver.
I have been on the Iron Amateur Hockey Board and am currently the vice president of the WIC Booster Club, which I have been on for many years. I am also a member of the Sons of the American Legion Post 21. I have and still volunteer at many events in the area.
My jobs have been serving the public. Over the years, I have met and talked with many people about many things. I have been interested in the things that happen in our community and I would like to be involved with the things that are currently happening with our city. There have been many positive, and some not so positive things happening, and I would like to contribute what I can to make our city a place that people would enjoy visiting and living in.
I am a lifelong resident of Iron River and raised four sons who all graduated from West Iron County High School as Wykon athletes. I previously owned my own towing and repair facility in Iron River for 15 years and I have built a resume′ of public service experience as the supervisor for Iron River Township for 12 years.    
As a resident of Iron River, I believe that the role of city government is to provide services to the community where the residents are the most important part of the city’s existence. The city council has a sworn duty and obligation to do what is best for the community always. This starts with proper management of the constituents’ money in the form of taxes paid to the city. A responsible budget is essential in the function of city government. When a resident pays taxes, but then is essentially denied basic services, city government fails. Police protection and public works’ functions are another area where city government has a responsibility to provide services to taxpayers and residents. For far too long, these services have been sacrificed to make budgetary room for other pet projects, leaving residents vulnerable.
It is my belief that city officials represent and work for the citizens and should always be willing to listen to, not just suggestions, but also criticism, while maintaining civility and professionalism while treating every resident with compassion and courtesy. Openness and transparency are also a critical portion of the professionalism responsibility for city officials. The budget, meetings and official city business should always be made available to the public for discussion and suggestion. After all, it’s the public that city officials are supposed to serve.
Safe and reliable infrastructure is of substantial importance for the wellbeing, safety and security of all residents and is necessary for commerce to grow the city. I want to explore opportunities to improve upon the city’s infrastructure in a responsible way that will support the current environment but also encourage new businesses and individuals to the city of Iron River.
The time has come to take city government and give a voice back to the people and work together for a better Iron River moving forward together.
I was born, raised and have been an area resident my entire life. I owned and operated the Powell family sawmill for over 25 years. I served on the Iron River Township Board, the Village of Mineral Hills Board and am currently on the Iron River City Board. I was the foreman for the public works for the Village of Mineral Hills until consolidation in 2000. After consolidation, I continued working for the public works of Iron River until my retirement in 2010.
I am committed to my hometown and would love to see more growth in order to keep the younger generation here, “Where you are always home.”