One Million Tabs

  • Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

To the editor,
    I, along with many of you have medical issues, but we continue to help others. We volunteer to work fundraisers, buy raffle tickets, etc.
    The recent Tab Toss for Ronald McDonald House received a check from Complete Recycling in Milwaukee, Wis. for $6,106. The one-day toss generated 4,700 pounds, 7,778,500 tabs.
    Tidbit: A young lad from this area, Riley Hansen, son of Derek and Kelly had heart surgery at the Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee. The family called Ronald McDonald House home for six months.
    At this time, another 250,000 tabs have been delivered. That’s now 750,000. I interrupt this article with an important news flash. Gar and Sandy Kenosha, Wis., brought up 28,000 tabs. Bob & Jerry’s 96,000, friend of Saloon No. 2 57,000, Nichols Flooring & Tile 23,000, plus thousands of others. We have surpassed 1 MILLION TABS, 1,057,000. What an accomplishment!!
    Sad news: we are temporarily taking time out. Continue to save tabs, but DO NOT drop them off at the locations for now. There may be a one-day tab toss up in this area.
    Ronald McDonald House is very appreciative for what we have done.
    “Get “Er-Done”…We did it!!
Thank you everyone,
-s- “The Tab Man”
Jim Brolin