Readers Viewpoint 4-26-2023

  • Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

Northwoods Animal Shelter 
To the editor:
I am very concerned and disappointed after reading the article about the Northwoods Animal Shelter published in the Iron County Reporter on April 10, 2023.
I’ve been involved with the shelter for 25 years. The IRS numbers listed for 2019 are a far cry from the reality of 2023. In 2019, there was a veterinary hospital that employed five to six staff members with competitive salaries and full benefits. None of the animal shelter employees ever received any type of benefits, and several were making minimum wage.
Yes, the shelter has assets. The Northwoods Animal Shelter, Inc. owns the shelter building and surrounding property. Through the generosity of individuals and businesses throughout Iron County, making monetary donating for several years, made the purchase of this property and building a reality.
Like every non-profit organization, donations have plummeted since the Covid epidemic. The animal shelter is asking the cities and townships we serve in the county to give us a hand while we apply for a millage. Thank you, Iron River City Council for your allocation for the next two years to keep a much-needed service in our county.
When animals are surrendered or strays are brought into the shelter, they are treated with the love and care they deserve. A comfortable kennel and two meals a day isn’t asking too much. This takes money. Keeping the lights on and heating the building also takes money. We need responsible employees who will show up every day to clean and care for these animals. We have terrific individuals doing this every day. We also have volunteers who help with all aspects of shelter life. We couldn’t operate without them. We have volunteers who come in the evening to let the dogs out in the evening no matter what the weather is on their watch.
The State of Michigan is a “No Kill State” so we are a “No Kill Shelter”. Animals are not euthanized after three days at the shelter. We work hard to find loving homes for all our animals. Only those who are seriously ill or a threat to individuals are euthanized. Animals in other states aren’t so lucky. We have placed many dogs from Texas in loving homes that would have been euthanized.
Our adopters are educated on being responsible pet owners with proper vet care, shelter, and food. A pet is a part of your family. If you can’t give an animal the love and care it needs, please don’t get one. It’s sad that the article in the Reporter didn’t reflect on all of the positive things the shelter does for the community.
    -s- Sandy Johnson
Iron River