Readers Viewpoint 9-9-2020

  • opinion



Thanks from Blood Center
To the editor:
    On behalf of the U.P. Regional Blood Center, I would like to thank Lakeland Baptist Church in Iron River for hosting a blood drive in the month of August. As a result of their efforts, we collected 11 pints of blood. I would also like to thank all the community members that took the time to come to the blood drive to donate blood and “give the gift of life.” Because of your generosity, we received enough blood to potentially save 33 lives across the Upper Peninsula. The blood donated with the U.P. Regional Blood center stays in the Upper Peninsula and supplies your hospital and 12 other U.P. hospitals. Thank you for supporting your community blood center. Thank you for supporting your community blood center. We hope to see you again at one of your blood drives near you.
-s- Rachel M. Heath
Blood Collection Coordinator
U.P. Regional Blood Center