Readers Viewpoint - A farewell message from Jill Sabotta, proprietor of Alice’s Italian Supper Club in Iron River

  • Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

Rick and I would like to thank all of our wonderful customers, family and staff who have helped make Alice’s a success over the past 16 years. We could never have been successful without all of your support. We live in a wonderful area where people care about the people and businesses in this great community. You helped Alice’s get through Covid. I will never forget that.

As we approach our final week it is so bittersweet. We will miss each and every one of you near and far. We will miss our tourists and our long time customers from the bottom of our hearts. Alice’s has been in our family for fifty years and has so many beautiful memories with so many beautiful souls. So many weddings, showers, funerals and events that we will never forget.

Alice would be so proud that her restaurant has carried on with the same quality she worked so hard to achieve, and it is still going to be here for many more years to come.

Thank you to my beautiful sister-in-law Patti and Sally, who were the morning crew. You ladies made my life a joy. The everyday work we did together brought us so close and we will always have that special bond. I love you ladies.

Thank you to my beautiful wait staff: Tammy, Grace, Jocelyn, Cheryl, Shelly, Kimmy, Kim and Oila. You all have been the best employees and friends anyone could ever have.

A great big thank you to Ralph, without you I know for a fact we could not have done it. You are the best chef and I will miss you more than ever.

We also want to thank our beautiful, wonderful heartfelt Marsha! You have brought this restaurant so much life. I love you.

We can’t forget our dishwashers who have the worst job in the place. You all have my heart and have kept my life very interesting. I will miss all of you.

Thank you to my sons and their wives who helped in any way they could.

So as we finish this book and move on to the chapters that haven’t been written yet, one more thank you to all of you. We will never forget our time at Alice’s and all our fond, fond memories.

Our new owners Terri and Jim will do a fabulous job and I know all of you will help make that transition a good one. This is what Auntie Alice would want, to keep her restaurant and her name alive.

Thank you and we love all of you.

Jill and Rick