READER'S VIEWPOINT - Mended fences needed in FP

  • Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

I am a regular contributor to the Reporter; however, for this letter I am writing as a member of the community.

On Jan. 22 I attended the School Board meeting at Forest Park where the room was filled with concerned residents, parents, teachers and a few students. During the public comment portion of the meeting approximately 10 people came to the podium to express their concerns about athletics. Each felt passionately about their position. All took their full three minutes of speaking time.

attended because I was seeking clarity about the issues that are creating terrible rifts in the fabric of the Forest Park community. Based on the comments, some are concerned about the behavior of coaches, specifically with regard to playing time, favoritism, repercussions when student athletes petitioned for change, and demeanor during games. Some are concerned about leadership and the way leaders use their power or fail to act. Some expressed support for coaches and the discretion they need to have when choosing who plays. Some spoke about the disappointment they feel because these issues are counter to the mission and values of the school.

As Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” The house of Forest Park needs to find a productive way forward.

Although there are ‘bad’ people in the world, most people want what is good. Demonizing a perceived opponent closes the door on cooperation and collaboration. A war must be fought. If, on the other hand, we assume good intent, agree to put away bad behavior, and take a moment to consider what the other side is thinking, feeling and experiencing, then resolution is possible. The rift can be repaired.

I offer this suggestion. The school board should convene a committee of neutral community members who will review existing policies with regard to coaches, athletes and the processes each has for dealing with grievances. The committee should be given statements from coaches and athletes describing the issues they feel need to be addressed. The committee should also be given policies from other school districts which could illuminate the gaps in Forest Park’s policies that allowed this situation to arise.

While the committee reviews and then makes recommendations, the community needs to be patient and of good faith. Obviously many people have been hurt as this conflict has progressed. No one is winning right now, so the mighty Trojans need to put down their swords and spears and work under the flag of peace toward resolution.

-s-  Vicki Browne
Crystal Falls