Geology Club cancels January meeting

  • outdoors



CRYSTAL FALLS — The January meeting of the Northwoods Geology Club has been cancelled.
    The meeting normally includes election of officers. This year the club will use its Northwoods Geology Facebook (public group) page to elect/vote for officers this upcoming year.      
If anyone is interested in running for president, vice-president, treasurer or secretary, let the club know before Jan. 20.    
“New faces and new ideas are always appreciated,” said Suzan Ballo.      
The club will then post the interested parties to the Facebook page and voting will take place from Jan. 27 to Feb. 3 on Facebook. Those who do not have a Facebook account are asked to contact someone from the club who does, and they can put in your vote.     
Please use Carl Fitzpatrick’s Facebook Messenger page to vote, stating your name and phone number. This information will be shared with the present officers and the club will be notified of the outcome on Feb. 6.     
In February, the club will also consolidate the two separate club Facebook pages into one. There will be no more Northwoods Geology “organization” page. The Northwoods Geology “public group” page will be the pertinent and only one.     
The club’s Christmas party has been postponed until spring or summer.     
“We will have a picnic/Christmas party combination either during a field trip or by itself, possibly at a nearby lake,” Ballo said. “Member input is always welcome.”