Crystal View Women’s golf

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CRYSTAL FALLS – The Crystal View Women’s Golf event winners for Thursday, Aug. 3 are as follows: 
• Skins – Hole #1 Kim Bjork with a 3, Hole #7 Jenna Simbob with a 4, Hole #8 Kristin Williams with a 4. 
• Longest Putts – Hole # 3 Lori Anderson and Hole #7 Fran Dishaw Peters.
• Chip Ins – first round – Hole #1 Kim Bjork and Hole #1 Karen Pearson. Chip Ins – second round – Hole #5 Kim Bjork.
• Birdies – first round – Hole #9 Ann Wagner. Birdies – second round – Hole #6 Sis Martin and Hole #5 Kim Bjork.
• 50/50 winners – Vicki West and Lori Anderson.