Amasa Senior Citizen Center receives NexTrex Bench

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AMASA – On Wednesday, Dec. 6 a NexTrex bench was delivered to the Amasa Area Senior Citizen Center. There were happy faces all around the center as the seniors were excited to be recipients. Although the sturdy bench is weather-proof, they were going to use it indoors in the winter. In the summer months it will be outside for seniors waiting for rides or just to enjoy some fresh air.

The bench is made possible by the recycled plastic film project in Iron County. Crystal Fresh Market in Crystal Falls partnered with their distributor, NexTrex and two local non-profit organizations to qualify for benches. Iron County Rise Up Indivisible and Iron County Watershed process the data and do the paperwork to earn a bench for 500+ pounds of plastic film collected in a six-month period. Iron County residents support this recycling project by bringing their recyclable plastic film to Crystal Fresh Market to be bundled and shipped to NexTrex. Plastic film items include bread bags, plastic grocery bags, shipping bags, ice bags, cereal bags, etc.

In the past three years nine benches have been delivered to Iron County. They are located at Forest Park School, West Iron County School, Bates Paint River Shelter, Lincoln Park in Crystal Falls, Riverside Plaza, Iron County Museum, Crystal Falls Community Library, West Iron County Library and the Amasa Area Senior Citizen Center.