CFBA names Nylunds Citizens of the Year

  • News

By Quinn Illi 

CRYSTAL FALLS – The Crystal Falls Business Association (CFBA) named Lee and Sally Nylund Citizens of the Year June 14, surprising them with cake and family at the Crystal Falls City Hall.

When the Nylunds arrived at City Hall they were greeted by a room full of friends and family, including their four children, who had been waiting to celebrate all they have done for the Crystal Falls community.

The Nylunds were chosen due to their life-long commitment to the City of Crystal Falls through such ventures as Nylund’s Foods and their involvement with youth boxing.

“People don’t realize all what [Lee] has got his hands into,” said Michelle Smokevitch, the CFBA president and secretary, “And Sally’s quiet, no one knows what she does either.”

“They’re really such a deserving couple,” said Barbara Luck, the CFBA President.

When asked about how the selection process for such an award works, Smokevitch said: “We reach out to the community and ask them to write letters. When we get the letters, it’s a selection process. We read them and then we all vote on them.”

“The idea is to put it out to the community,” Luck said,. “In your eyes, who’s done a lot and deserves an award?”

“The CFBA does this every year,” she continued. “If there is someone in the community [Crystal Falls, Alpha, Amasa and Mansfield area] that you think has done a world of good in this community, we want to know because we want to honor them.”