Local Kiwanis Club to merge with Golden K Club

  • Golden K members, pictured are, from left, Dave Koski (Treasurer), Hugo Latvala (member), Keith Locke (member), Ray Spencer (President), Chris Shamion (secretary) and Terry Spitza (Vice President). Two Kiwanis members, from left, Ed Lindwall (President) and Jim Quayle (member).

    Golden K members, pictured are, from left, Dave Koski (Treasurer), Hugo Latvala (member), Keith Locke (member), Ray Spencer (President), Chris Shamion (secretary) and Terry Spitza (Vice President). Two Kiwanis members, from left, Ed Lindwall (President) and Jim Quayle (member).

    Golden K members, pictured are, from left, Dave Koski (Treasurer), Hugo Latvala (member), Keith Locke (member), Ray Spencer (President), Chris Shamion (secretary) and Terry Spitza (Vice President). Two Kiwanis members, from left, Ed Lindwall (President) and Jim Quayle (member).

Golden K members, pictured are, from left, Dave Koski (Treasurer), Hugo Latvala (member), Keith Locke (member), Ray Spencer (President), Chris Shamion (secretary) and Terry Spitza (Vice President). Two Kiwanis members, from left, Ed Lindwall (President) and Jim Quayle (member).

After 68 years of service to Iron County, the Kiwanis Club is merging with the Golden K Club. The public service goals of each organization are similar so the duplication of administration will be eliminated and this will also strengthen Golden K’s membership and presence in Iron County. 

Over the years, it has been a privilege for Kiwanis to support many activities, programs and organizations in our community, while emphasizing youth as their number one priority. The good news is, with the help and under the name of Golden K, plans are underway to continue the following Kiwanis activities: running the concessions and food stand at the U.P. Championship Rodeo; awarding student scholarships; donations to the Iron County Museum and the Mission Bible Training Center; co-sponsoring with the Crystal Falls Lions Club, the annual top 10 academic seniors banquet for West Iron County and Forest Park graduates; donations to the annual Great Eight Winter Games for West Iron County and Forest Park students; donations to the annual Alcohol Free Graduation Parties for West Iron County and Forest Park graduates; participate in the Adopt A Highway Program and last, sponsoring our local Kinship girls and boys mentoring program which Kiwanis was a major sponsor in getting this program started. 

The local Golden K Club was active many decades ago too, and then reorganized independent from the international organization in the early 2000’s to have more monies available to support local programs. It is also heavily vested in making Iron County a better place to live by supporting many worthwhile causes. It is perhaps best known for its annual “Gifts from Santa Project” which raises funds to purchase Christmas gifts for the residents in local county nursing homes. 

Kiwanis President Ed Lindwall says “It has been an honor and a privilege for us to have been a part of this great organization and we have met and worked alongside many wonderful people over the years. We now look forward to joining Golden K and feel blessed for the opportunity to continue serving our community through this great local organization as well.” 

We would like to thank the Kiwanis members for the many years of service they have given to this community. Many have served for decades and we want to especially recognize Jack Schultz who has served for over 50 years! 
Golden K always welcomes new members and meets weekly at 8 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Iron River Senior Center.