Temporary Food License Requirement

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IRON COUNTY – In accordance with Michigan’s Food Law of 2000, a temporary food permit is required for all food service events serving potentially hazardous food products. A food service event means an operation which prepares, serves or provides food for human consumption. A temporary food permit is required whether or not there is a charge for the food.

An application can be obtained at the Dickinson-Iron District Health Department or on our website, www.didhd.org. The application must be submitted 30 days prior to the scheduled event.

The department’s main goal is to ensure the health and safety of those individuals consuming food at public events.

For more information and to determine if a permit is needed for a temporary food event, please call the Dickinson-Iron District Health Department at one of the following offices: Dickinson County 906-779-7239 or Iron County 906-265-4172.