Cold storage grants available for U.P.

  • Outdoors



UPPER PENINSULA - The U.P. Food Exchange (UPFE), in partnership with Upper Peninsula Food as Medicine Team and Upper Peninsula Commission for Area Progress (UPCAP), is announcing a grant opportunity for area farms to build cold storage facilities for storing fresh produce. 
The grant program, funded by the Superior Health Foundation, will award up to $14,000 to one farm from each of the U.P.’s three regional planning districts. Funds can be used for the materials and labor to build new or additional facilities, as well as access to technical assistance for construction and food safety training. This funding will support the increase of local food production by ensuring that farms have a place to safely store produce until it can be sold.
“Farm debt is a huge problem across the country. Even small-scale farming requires taking on a high amount of debt that is difficult to pay back, especially with an income that varies seasonally,” said Sarah Monte, Outreach Director at the Marquette Food Co-op and UPFE member. “UPFE is thrilled to be working on a project that helps minimize or remove a financial barrier for our area farms. All of us in the community benefit when local farms succeed.”
Adequate cold storage facilities are essential for farms to be able to expand their operations. Without cold storage, harvesting must be done hours before the delivery, limiting the farm’s ability to take on more accounts or attend more farmers markets. The facilities also extend the agricultural sales season by providing space for keeping storage crops that can be sold well into the winter, directly supporting the growth of the U.P. farm economy and increasing access to local food for all residents. 
“Currently, one in seven individuals or approximately 14 % of U.P. residents are food insecure. With the national average at 10.5%, the local numbers are significant,” said Tammy Rosa, Nutrition Program Manager at UPCAP. “UPCAP participates in many community initiatives throughout the region and is very excited to be a part of this collaboration of partners working to improve the food security of residents with economic barriers, while building a stronger regional food system.”
- Applications were open until Jan. 31.
- Application deadline is March 1 at 5 p.m.
- Awards will be announced March 15.
- Project completion deadline is Sept. 30.
To learn more and to access the grant application, visit Questions can be directed to or 906-225-0671 x723. 
This grant is tied to the U.P. Prescription for Health program, in which physicians “prescribe” fresh produce vouchers to individuals at risk or diagnosed with a chronic health condition that are also experiencing economic barriers to purchasing food. To learn more about Prescription for Health, visit
Funds were awarded to the Food as Medicine (FAM) team, a collaborative group of organizations from across the U.P., to create a Prescription for Health Program and distribute mini grants to farms for cold storage facilities that will support the production and distribution of fresh, locally grown produce. 
The U.P. Food Exchange is a local food hub that coordinates and supports local food activities in the U.P., serving as a resource portal for farmers, businesses and institutions looking to actively participate in their local food system. UPFE is handling the aspects of the grant related to the cold storage program and farmers markets.