Seniors enjoy meals with guests

  •   CRYSTAL FALLS – Residents at the Crystal Falls Senior Center had local guests join them on Feb. 6 for their evening meal. Ten residents from Iron County Medical Care Facility plus two Diversional staff and two volunteers made the evening an absolute delight. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal including soup, salad and dessert.

    CRYSTAL FALLS – Residents at the Crystal Falls Senior Center had local guests join them on Feb. 6 for their evening meal. Ten residents from Iron County Medical Care Facility plus two Diversional staff and two volunteers made the evening an absolute delight. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal including soup, salad and dessert.

    CRYSTAL FALLS – Residents at the Crystal Falls Senior Center had local guests join them on Feb. 6 for their evening meal. Ten residents from Iron County Medical Care Facility plus two Diversional staff and two volunteers made the evening an absolute delight. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal including soup, salad and dessert.

 CRYSTAL FALLS – Residents at the Crystal Falls Senior Center had local guests join them on Feb. 6 for their evening meal. Ten residents from Iron County Medical Care Facility plus two Diversional staff and two volunteers made the evening an absolute delight. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal including soup, salad and dessert.