Coalitions bring support for youth with Autism to U.P.

  • Community



UPPER PENINSULA – UPCTC is a group of the eight Communities That Care (CTC) coalitions working to reduce youth substance use, depression and more in the Upper Peninsula. The CTCs collaborate to distribute a variety of resources in their communities, such as prescription drug lock boxes, Narcan, and suicide prevention training. With funding from the Superior Health Foundation, their newest project is bringing Carter kits to nine counties in the UP.
Carter Kits were developed downstate, in response to a request from an EMT who wanted to increase options to calm youth who have autism, who may find a visit from first responders frightening. They are also useful for youth who have experienced trauma. The kits contain a variety of sensory support items, like a weighted blanket, noise-canceling headphones, fidget toys and nonverbal communication cards. The young person can keep whatever item they use from the kit, thanks to the free replacement program offered by Carter Kits.
UPCTC will be distributing around 20 kits per participating county. They plan to potentially bring in additional kits, depending on the need and interest in their area. The Coordinators for each CTC can also provide a letter of support to any local organizations interested in writing their own grants for Carter Kits.
The coalitions are always seeking volunteers to help in prevention efforts.  You can learn more about UPCTC and youth-focused prevention at More information about Carter Kits is available at