EGLE holds public comment on WICSA plant upgrades

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By Allison Joy
CASPIAN — On April 24, the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy launched a 30-day public comment period regarding an upcoming project to upgrade the West Iron County Sewer Authority’s waste-water treatment plant. 
The project includes upgrades to the plant’s disinfection system, pump and other equipment replacements, and system upgrades for supervisory control and data tracking.  
The total estimated project cost is $6,325. Half of that will be covered by funds from the American Rescue Plan Act, with the remaining half to be covered by a loan from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund. 
WICSA estimates that “a typical residential customer may see up to a $3.92 monthly rate increase” from the project. According to WICSA, there have been no major process changes or equipment replacements made to the wastewater treatment plant since it went into operation in 1987. 
An environmental review from EGLE determined that “no significant environmental impacts would result” from the project. Therefore, EGLE would not require WICSA to first conduct an environmental impact statement to move forward with the upgrades. 
EGLE directs any comments in support or disagreeing with their decision be submitted to Project Manager Angela Yu, in writing to or Constitution Hall, P.O. Box 30457 in Lansing, or via phone at 517-599-5847. The comment period ends May 24. More information is available at